Cancer free???

Well, It has been quite some time since I have updated Cocoa’s condition. She is still in permanent foster care, and continues to enjoy her time with Gracey the Beagle and her foster Mommy in Holiday, FL.

All my effort and your generosity was not in vain. The treatment worked and Cocoa’s disposition is better than ever. It is however time for her annual tests and vaccinations and dental care. I am hoping that she will once again be Cancer Free!

I am trying raise funds for these tests and her medications. I will be have a yard sale soon, having collected unwanted items from friends. But any help, however small, would get us to our goal; $1000. We exceed $500 yearly just in food and medication, including her Heartgard and Comfortis plus her meds for her Thyroid (or lack there of) condition.

Please find it in your heart to support this one woman “Dachshund Rescue Group”. Cocoa is dog # 5 since 2002 to be nursed back to health and placed in a forever home or forever foster care. I kept two myself, Dottie, 14 and her daughter Sara 11.

As her current foster mom is disabled I agreed to cover her expenses for the rest of her sweet little life. So please help if can. Give to sweetest most deserving girl of all…Cocoa. Click donate below to help today.

Update on Cocoa

Well, the holidays have passed and Cocoa has completed her Chemotherapy for heryou thyroid tumor at Blue Pearl Vet. She is going to start taking the peroxicam again at a maintenance dose of 0.5 ml every other day. This is known to help with some more cancers but it’s also an anti inflammatory drug so it will keep away her aches and pains so she can stay active.

Next month we have to get exrays and bloodwork and have a checkup with Dr. Rose at St. Pete Beach vet. This will cost about $300 so we are still raising money to pay for Cocoa’s follow up the care. I will be having another yardsale soon but if you can find it in your heart to help out just click on the DONATE button and give today. Help me keep this little sweetheart alive and well. Thanks to all of Cocoa’s generous supporters.

Dachshund Cocoa Thanks All At Circus McGurkis

Fundraising for Dachshund Cocoa At Circus McGurkis

I want to say a big thank you to all the kind people at Circus McGurkis who gave money towards Dachshund Cocoa’s Chemo Therapy. On a cold and rainy Florida day we still raised a staggering $260.00! With the money we raised earlier this month at the Tampa Bay Veg Fest there is now just enough money in the piggy bank for her next round of Chemo.

Dachshund Cocoa enjoyed walking around at Circus McGurkis. This fun fair who’s focus is on peace was as busy and bustling as ever. People dressed up in various Halloween costumes but none looked as cool as Dachshund Cocoa. Circus McGurkis is held every year in October at Lake Vista Park in St. Petersburg, Florida. “Circus McGurkis is an Expression of Quaker belief in the dignity and worth of each person and in the power of love and nonviolence to bring about change.” (Quote from their website).

Dachshund Cocoa at Circus McGurkis Holloween

Dachshund Cocoa wore her best Halloween outfit and was a trouper and a star. She melted the hearts of those that met her, smothering all that were willing with lots of hugs and kisses.

Dachshund Cocoa had lots of fun – she stole my turkey burger at lunch. She especially loved the all-natural peanut butter ghostly treats she was given by a vendor. When we got home she soon feel into a deep sleep on the couch after such an exciting day.

Without the kind help of giving and caring people Dachshund Cocoa would not have this chance to beat cancer nor a chance of a being adopted and a happy long life. So, again thank you to those that have already given from their hearts. If you love Dachshunds and can spare even a dollar please donate using the PayPal button found at the top right of this site – thank you!

Raising Money For Dachshund Cocoa

Raising Money For Dachshund Cocoa

Wanted to thank all the kind people at the Tampa Bay Veg Fest last Saturday for their donations – we raised $160.00 towards Dachshund Cocoa’s Chemo therapy.

Both Cocoa and I had fun, enjoying the Florida sunshine.

Dachshund Cocoa wore herself out sniffing all the grass and giving kisses to everyone. She even got to eat a peanut butter banana soy dog popsicle!

She loved her day out and all the fuss everyone made of her. After an exhausting day she settled down and slept all the way home,

Again thank you for all your support – every dime goes towards curing Dachshund Cocoa – if you have even a dollar to spare please hit the donate button on the top right.

Again thank you for all your support – every dime goes towards curing Dachshund Cocoa – if you have even a dollar to spare please hit the donate button on the top right.

Related Posts:
Dachshund Cocoa Has Malignant Cancer
All About Dachshund Cocoa

Thyroid Tumor Malignant Cancer

Cocoa and her foster family have a rough couple of weeks. Thanks to all her followers for checking in. We found out that her tumor was in fact a malignant thyroid tumor. We were hoping for a benign result.

Cocoa and her foster family have a rough couple of weeks. Thanks to all her followers for checking in. We found out that her tumor was in fact a malignant thyroid tumor. We were hoping for a benign result.\

About ten days after surgery Cocoa started on a drug called Peroxicam which is actually a strong anti inflamitory. This drug is sometimes used for bladder cancer and other cancers. Vets don’t know why it works for some and not others as a form of chemotherapy. It only costs about $45 per month so that is what Cocoa is taking for now while we fundraise for the REAL Chemo drug.

The ideal recommended Chemo drug for her would be a series of shots of a drug called Carboplatin. Cocoa will need to see the Oncologist and get bloodwork done first before her first shot can be given. With only a couple hundred dollars left in her piggy bank we have an uphill battle here for the next step of the treatment. The shots are about $500 each plus testing inbetween. I don’t have all the details yet.

In addition to her cancer, Cocoa also got a cut or punture would on her leg that got infected. I suspect she cut herself on a rose thorn while chasing mice in the back yard. She just loves to hunt. Cocoa had to have a few staples put in and more antibiotics. Poor girl. She’s fine except for the silly collar she has to wear so she won’t lick the wound. $127 out of the piggybank.

If you can find it in your hearts to help out with the medication costs, Cocoa would be very greatful. Paypal is a safe and secure way to donate. Please click on DONATE now and SAVE COCOA.


Surgery a success!

Dachshund Cocoa Had Her Surgery

Today was the big day for Cocoa. Not only did she get the tumor removed (which is happily on the way to lab to be tested) but Cocoa got her first ever teeth cleaning, four teeth pulled, plus her nails clipped and her ears cleaned and one other unmentionable procedure dealing with a gland at her back end. Yikes! The vet said she was a great patient and she really came through with flying colors.

Cocoa is resting comfortably beside two of her foster sisters. Every one is thrilled she is safe and sound. I have crafted a fabric collar for her to protect the sutures from dirt and scratching out the cuff of an old shirt sleeve. The more traditional Elizabethan collar couldn’t be used due to the location of the stitches.

A small dish of yummy soft canned food was a real treat for Cocoa this afternoon. Boy was she hungry. One week of antibiotics and pain relievers and she’ll be good as new. Let’s just keep our fingers crossed for a negative test result from the lab.

A huge thank you to all her supporters. Thanks for the cards and emails and posts to this site. Please check back in a week for an update from the vet. We may still have a long road ahead of us if she needs radiation.

Surgery rescheduled

We have had to reschedule Cocoa’s surgery for September 12th. Cocoa is fine, other than the tumor of course. However her foster family has a case of the flu and the extra attention she will need post surgery will require us all to be on our toes. So we thought waiting a couple weeks would be a good idea. In the mean time, check back for more updates, photos, and stories about Cocoa’s fundraising efforts. Thanks to the recent generous contributors who are helping with Cocoa’s ongoing monthly expenses.

Cocoa and family

Cocoa’s Estate Sale a big success!

Helping Dachshund Cocoa

Just wanted to let you know that we had a very successful sale this past saturday.

We raised a good deal of money towards our goal for Dachshund Cocoa’s surgery. I am so grateful to everyone who donated items, cash and their time to help out.

Cocoa had a good time greeting all the shoppers.

She gave lots of kisses and licks and even got a few offers for a forever home.

She was so tired after all the attention she received, she slept all afternoon and evening and then straight through the night after a quick walk in the park.

Wednesday, August 31st, is the big day for Cocoa.

 She will have the tumor removed and sent off to the lab for testing. Let’s all keep fingers crossed that the results are negative and the tumor is benign.

We are still fundraising in anticipation of Cocoa’s continued veterinary costs.

 So if you would like to help Dachshund Cocoa’s fight against cancer, give today. Just click on the donate button above.


Update on Cocoa’s thyroid tumor surgery

Well, we have been busy the last few weeks fundraising for Cocoa. She comes with me on errands and everyone thinks she’s so adorable. Cocoa just melts people’s heart. We still have a long way to go. I still need several hundred dollars for the surgery and follow up care.  This of course does not include the costs for radiation if she needs it. Let’s just all hope the tumor is benign.

We are still planning a  garage sale to benefit Cocoa. Hopefully it will be next weekend. There has been serious construction on my street so I have been waiting. With no end in sight, I plan to just go ahead and hope people can find the house despite the detours.

My hopes are to get the surgery in a couple weeks. Cocoa has been having some tummy trouble for a few weeks which doesn’t bode well. Hopefully it won’t affect her being able to go through with the removal of the thyroid tumor.

I want to again thank everyone who has donated money and those who have volunteerd their time and effort to help with Cocoa.  I will keep you all up to date with this blog.


Generous donations from strangers

Cocoa was in a great mood all day especially after several special people made donations to her fund. A special thanks goes out to Gerald of  Treasure Island Florida…and the lady at  St. Pete Beach Veterinary Clinic;  two complete strangers who gave generously to  Dachshund Cocoa’s cancer fund.

Today, Dachshund Cocoa went to another vet for a second opinion. Pretty much the same; the tumor has to come out and there is no way to know if it is malignant cancer until a biopsy is sent off to the lab. 

Cocoa got lots of extra loving today from everyone First Bank, Buttons, Bangles, & Beads, Beach Hair Affair, Publix and Pinch-a-Penny Pool Supply.  Thanks to everyone for your concern. Please pass on Cocoa’s link to everyone you know.

Soon it will be time to have a garage sale to raise more funds…we have a long way to go as I have said before, but every little bit helps. So please donate today. If you have already donated please share this site on Facebook or Twitter. You can sign in below and share with all your friends; please post it on your wall. If you want to comment you can also sign in as a guest, your email will not show up on this site once you sign in. Thanks.


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